Kyan's Adventures in This World

adventures in being a newborn

Monday, December 17, 2007

Thanksgiving means Christmas is coming!

Carrie teases Kyan with a kitten puppet

Ahh, christmas!

Too long since the feast!

AKA, here are a bunch of unrelated pictures since I've gone too long since posting again!
This is how much Kyan loves to brush his teeth- he sleeps with his toothbrush!
A picture from the amazing MSU vs Penn State game!
Bowling afterward with Kate and Nate!
In a box at Great Grandpa's house
Being serious with Uncle Pat!
Beautiful flowers from my beautiful husbands for my birthday!
Mommy and Kyan. We're having a moment.

Tuesday, November 13, 2007

Well needed haircut!

When I realized that Kyan was getting a very strong resemblance to Gene Wilder, I thought a haircut was in order:

Here is the after- not too bad, mom! she was having a heart attack about me butchering his curls. I say, bless the curly hair gene, cause I can't imagine trying to get him to sit still for a "precision" hair cut for straight hair!

Saturday, October 27, 2007

California Dreamin'

So we are down to 1 1/2 days left here visiting friends in sunny, burning california. So far, we've gone to Santa Monica, Hollywood, mommy and daddy's old works, Disneyland and Malibu (including eating at Gladstone's where we got married). It has been 7 days and we have taken 475 pictures. Tonight is a costume party at Jay's house- Jimmy is going to be a priest of some sort, I am a Black Widow and Kyan will be Yoda. He is so cute! But due to the massive amount of pictures, I'm going to post a few favorites and link to Shutterfly. IF i can get them all to load to shutterfly!
Kyan at the Santa Monica Beach watching the sunset- with tahini on his lip.
Kyan playing Godzilla on Gozilla's star... naughty Kyan!
Kyan playing with the fountains at Hollywood and Highland.
Kyan riding the seahorses at Disneyland!

Kyan trying on clothes at Baby Gap on Third St. Prominade. Too cute!
address to view is:

Only about half of the pics are up, but we'll add the rest when we're home.

Tuesday, October 02, 2007

It's my fault!

There are two reasons why I havn't been posting- one is that our new camera broke, leaving us with our yicky, broken, held together with rubber bands camera. The second is an obsession that I am slightly ashamed of:

Littlest Pet Shop. HOWEVER:

I am not the only Alcumbrack-McDaniel dragging poor Kyan to the toy store for a toy obsession labeled ages 4 and up:

My dearly beloved has his Star Wars Galactic Heroes.

But I know that if you are here after the many months of not posting, what you really want to see is this:

Despite the fact that he is chosing to communicate strictly thru temper tantrums and meltdowns rather than words, this seems to be a facinating age. But we'll be EXTREMELY excited when he learns to speak! (for the record, we have one current word and it's non-verbal- he says "all done" in ASL. We blame Auntie Jane.

Tuesday, July 03, 2007

Arrrrr Pirates part 2

Cake 4
and cake 5!
nina bella
Hanging out with Dad
Kelly and Liam

Kyan and Liam
Jimmy, Kyan and Beck
Help Kyan blow out his candles!
Happy little pirate, arrr!

Kyan's Pirate Pool Party! Part 1

There were so many blond headed babies at the party, and they all looked related!

Beck and his daddy Matt
Robin and Mia
Dawn and Abe
Grandpa Keith and Kyan

Ella and Jerry
Beck and Matt
Jen and Bern
Serena and Nina (and chuck!)
Chuck and Trey and Jimmy and Kyan